Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Monroe Doctrine
Definition: a principal of US policy, the united states would not tolerate intervention.
Picture:Image result for monroe doctrine

Spanish American War
Definition: This was a war between Spain and united states and it started as an intervention.
Picture:Image result for spanish american war

Roosevelt Corollary
Definition: the US has the right to protect its economic interests.
Picture:Image result for roosevelt corollary

Panama Canal
Definition: The canal connects the Atlantic ocean and the pacific ocean.
Picture:Image result for panama canal

Santa Ana
Definition: a general that seized power of mexico as a dictator.
Picture:Image result for santa anna

Benito Juarez
Definition: fought against foreign occupation.
Picture:Image result for benito juarez

Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata
Definition: a provisional government was formed under Fancisco Leon de la Barra.

Image result for pancho villa and emiliano zapata

Homework (12/7) 

1) Why did European countries go overseas?
2) How did they justify taking over other countries?
3) What happened in south Africa?
4) What was the Berlin conference?
5) Why did Europeans spread so easily into Africa?

My name is Alexia Rivas. This is my very first blog. My favorite things to do is play softball and spend time with my family. My favorite football team is the Oakland Raiders. I love being active and being outdoors exploring.